Does Shinwa produce good, durable battle-ready swords?

by Max
(Willow Springs, MO, USA)

I have finally gotten my mom to buying a sword, problem is I have absolutely no experience with buying swords and what to look for in good swords. I would love to buy the 3 piece set (katana, wakizashi, and tanto) from Shinwa on but I want a sword that won't break because I unsheathed it; I want to swing it! Please help! If this sword brand is not worthy of my attention could you recommend some other brands? Thank you!

Comments for Does Shinwa produce good, durable battle-ready swords?

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by: Paul

Hi Max,

The Shinwa swords probably won't break from just swinging them as they do have industry standard tangs and assembly. Most are damascus steel, which is not a good choice for a cutting sword..

I have a brief opinion previously on Shinwa here - bit of a heated thread, but the general consensus I gather from the many opinions there is that some people like them, others find issues with the fittings, sharpness and believe there are better options for the price..

Here is some additional info on sword sets from our site, including a specific recommendation.

Hope this helps.
- Paul

Thank you!
by: Max

Thank you very much! I've had a hard time looking for a good sub US$300 katana but with SBG it's so much easier! I'm thinking of getting a custom katana and making my own set. Thank you very much!

by: Anonymous

No. Shinwa does not make true battle ready swords. They cut they may even cut tatami. But they aren't properly heat treated and like low end musashi ( anything really under 300) will most likely take a set and won't retain an edge. Pay a little more or get ronin. Best cheapest manufactured market swords.listen to Paul. He knows.

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