huanuo swords

by Bert

QUESTION: Hi, I had a question concerning Huanuo swords. I was wondering if you had any experience with them, more specific with the Chinese Dao's. I am planning to buy one (250-400 euro)and have been searching the intenet ever since. I found that the huanuo swords could be a winner. What do you advise?? ( I'm a Wushu practicer and will be using it for routines as well as for cutting exercises.)

ANSWER: Huano have an excellent reputation. I doubt you will be dissapointed by them. Money well spent.

Hope this helps.

- Paul

Comments for huanuo swords

Click here to add your own comments are thieves. Do not send money to them.
by: Anonymous

Don't order from they are thieves. The swords are great but if you send money to they will keep your money and then just keep telling you that the sword is out of stock. They do not return emails. I have heard of many cases with many different models of sword from them. Always the same thing. Thanks for the money. Oops the sword advertised on our site is out of stock. Then the buyers emails go unanswered or they keep giving you the runaround. They stole my money. Don't let it happen to you.

Confirmation of huanuo dishonesty...
by: Anonymous

Another site (chat room forum) also banned Huanuo for advertising violations to their strict non-commercial policy.

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