Renaissance Wax

by cedric

QUESTION: Is Renaissance Wax a good method to oil your katana? Give it the same colour and shine as swords oil what is possitive and negative.

ANSWER: Ren Wax is better for long term storage. If the sword is to be a 'user sword' cleaning it off and reapplying is a bit of a pain.

But if you are just want to 'coat and forget' or have the naked blade on display, then nothing else can compare to it.

Hope this helps.

- Paul

Comments for Renaissance Wax

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by: Caleb

You sure the solvents in Ren Wax is acid-free, Paul? (just wondering)

Acid free
by: Samuel

it claims it's acid free, apparently it's made from synthetic oils, and not natural ones. it's so delicate that they can use it to preserve photographs and paintings. amazing stuff. if you don't mind paying an arm and a leg :), even then, it goes a long way.

happy /Confused
by: Miro from Sweden

Hello to you all, after I've heard SOO much praise on this "Renaissance Wax", I decided to buy and put wax on my 3 pieces of Authentic Katana (youngest Katana is 100 years old, the oldest 400). What I have understood the most important thing of it all is that the blade MUST be almost 100% dry before begun Wax treatment with Renaissance Wax, To achieve this result, I used 2 times the "bath" in 86% pharmacy spirits with immediate drying with a microfiber cloth and third round left to the air-dried, then I have used Uchiko powder. Important also to put in two thin layers and each layer is thoroughly rubbed and polished until the result is a wonderfully smooth surface (myself, I could not help with the term: "WAU"). Recommend that between the two layers using the "Hair" is not at full speed only to glove up with hot air and then polish with GENUIN SHEEP FUR!. In other or you have to give time to this work given that you will keep for a long time an antique. I did this for 5 Months ago and last I inspected my swords when they are still WAu. I must poenkt that on one of my Katana before this treatment was in spots with poros rust, it is certainly there but it has not spread. Regardless of advertising on this Renaissance Wax, I would recommend that further preservation of rarities is at uniform temperature, use dry balls or moisture collectors near Swords, this helps in the long run. Many speculations have been made ​​in the "How do I remove the Renaissance Wax"?. My spontaneous counter-question is: why would you delete something you want to have and believe in the first place?, Ok, there is actually a reason and this is the desire to get back to the Personal kontaktet with your sword, right?, Where are you think logically all corrosive chemicals will, not might, but will change structure of your Beloved Swords, therefore, you should use the actualy Pure alcohol or ethanol for when you return the dry blade and free of Wax.BUT I have recently been in contact with the Company in England that manufactures this Wax:"Picreator Enterprises LTD". regarding precisely this dilemma about removing wax in a safe way, and you know what my good people they have been Certified by the state itself The Queen of England to Preserve English rarities and this should weigh heavily. As soon as I have recived any information about this then will you find out, al information, event photos on my preserved Swords, further guidance, enlightenment, you can also reach me directly at my email address:, helps more than as much I can, wish you ALL a good, Lucky day, God be with you, please, Miro.

Discovery how to really remove "R-Wax"
by: RangerBo

Renaissance wax removal is a pain to remove if it's in layers or put on PVD Finishes.

I believe in sharing knowledge, that's how we grow!
Mineral spirits, bleach, dawn dish soap, alcohol, gas....and LOTS OF Rubbing LOL! Did not work!

I use this secret to remove gas or bleach from your hands....discovered it works for this.

Any kind of Colgate or Crest tooth PASTE! Also hot water with it. As it is used for the mouth it won't hurt fine metal finishes. I hope it helps.

Removing Renaissance Wax
by: Wes Cameron

For those wishing to remove Renaissance Wax I found the easiest way is to use a metal polish. It takes it off and polishes the blade at the same time. I used Autosol metal polish. My understanding is that during cutting season it is easier to keep the blade from rusting my oiling it with a light oil such as 3 in one all purpose oil rather than reapplying the more expensive Renaissance Wax between cutting practices.

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