At SBG, while in theory we could, we DON'T go out of our way to name and shame bad Japanese sword makers and sellers.
There are several reasons for this.
One is that, well, it's just not in keeping with our spirit of supporting the industry. What is a bad sword to one person is acceptable to another - and for me to select a brand and single it out for attack is, in my opinion, an abuse of power.
Instead, we prefer to highlight and review swords that we feel are good value for the money. But if you read between the lines - if we say NOTHING about a sword company it's either because it has not had enough time to really prove it's worth or because there is SOMETHING wrong and we don't want to publicly bash it on the main page..
We just IGNORE it and concentrate on what we feel IS good value.
But that said, in recent years there have been some companies that are giving the industry a bad name, lying about where their swords are made or the techniques used in making them, inflating their prices, pretending their swords are made in Japan or otherwise trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the sword collecting community.
So while I may not step in directly - I have at least created this page where YOU can share your experiences and try to make the industry more accountable.
The comments will be moderated as one of our main concerns with such a page is that some individuals or companies may try to use it to attack their competitors. While this is comparatively rare (because the sword industry is a very small niche market, most forges and sword companies are actually on good terms with each other) we don't want to host the platform for it.
But if, after receiving a bad Japanese sword and having exhausted all options of getting it resolved with the seller, this is the place to tell your story and hopefully, get them to clean up their act a little - which IS good for the industry as a whole.
Feel that you have been unfairly treated by a vendor? Simply fill out the form below to have your voice heard...!
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japanese forged sword is chinese & no such address exists in Tokyo
Real-Sword have a great website-well made & with very good graphics, as shame its setting out to deliberately hide the truth of its chinese made swords …
I hope this page on bad Japanese swords has been helpful. To return to A Beginners Guide to Authentic Japanese Swords from Bad Japanese Sword Replicas: Horror Stories Page, click here