by Jeroen
(Belgium )
QUESTION: Hey I'm thinking about buying the Bushido Fuji Katana from the site: its put under the section: functional katana's and the brand would be (logically) bushido.
Could you tell me if the site has a good choice of swords I personally think they do but since I'm willing to buy my first katana I'd like to hear your opinion about the site and the swords on it.
If this bushidokatana isn't good what other katana would your recommend buying?
kind regards Jeroen
ps: very good site I love the tests and reviews on the swords you've been handling
ANSWER: Hi Jeroen,
I can't vouch for or against the website in question as I have not had any dealings with them personally, nor know of anyone who has either...
There are several recommended European sellers in the official SBG European Sword Buyers Directory that I have no hesitation about recommending.
As to this brand, they are pretty typical of swords at this price point - nothing special and nothing too horrible either. But have a look in the official directory as I think you may be able to find some other better known pieces that will give you some more bang for the $.
Hope this helps.
- Paul
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